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Response to the newly released Washington post article regarding dietitians and dietitian influencers who are brand/company/product kickback motivated

This article, while calling out a problem in our industry and, unfortunately all branches of healthcare (dietitians, doctors, nurses, fitness professionals, etc) discredits the dietitian field and the information we provide.
As a dietitian myself, I want to make it clear that I refuse to partner with brands and take kickbacks and that I will always provide evidence based information and information based on my experience working with clientele, through my schooling and education, and monitoring the validity of up and coming research. I hope that this article will further promote the academy of nutrition and the commission on dietetic registration to become more stringent and clear about disallowing brand kickbacks and partnerships and allowing these connections to impact the validity of the information shared with the public rather than just frowning upon it and eliminating brand motivated continuing education opportunities.
Myself and my fellow dietitians who refuse these partnerships and value our ethics at the highest level would like to be clear that our focus is purely to share helpful and supported information to individuals to help sift through the false and misleading information out there and ensure you know our goal is to share only the best and most evidence based and experience led information with you all to help benefit your health and well-being and guide you toward extra support (rather than just social media tips) when necessary to manage your nutrition needs that require more focused and individualized support.

All the best,
Ricci-Lee Hotz, MS, RDN, LD
A Taste of Health, LLC
“Improving quality of life one bite at a time”

#washingtonpost #washingtonpostarticleresponse
#dietitian #thedancesportdietitian #dancesportdietitian #evidencebased #nokickbacks #onlythebestinformation #allfoodsfit #researchfocused #balance #moderation #allfoodsfit #minneapolis #minnesota #boston #massachusetts #hereforyounotthemoney #nutritiontips #allfoodsfit #privatepracticerd #registereddietitian #licenseddietitian

The Pulse of Washington D.C.

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