Why is Donald Trump Jr. visiting Greenland? | USA TODAY
Donald Trump Jr. took a trip to Greenland as a “tourist,” after his father, President-elect Trump, expressed interest in acquiringRead More
WATCH LIVE: Jimmy Carter's procession heads to the Capitol
The remains of President Jimmy Carter will arrive in Washington, D.C., today, where plans call for members of Congress toRead More
Tributes pour in for beloved ABC radio star Tom Wyatt
▀Subscribe to more and comment▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ –Tributes pour in as beloved radio star dies aged 78 after hosting iconic gardeningRead More
CNN crew crosses into Syria hours after Assad regime falls
CNN’s Clarissa Ward reports from inside Damascus just hours after the regime of President Basha al-Assad fell to Syrian rebels.Read More
Two US Navy pilots ejected safely after their fighter jet was shot down over the Red Sea
According to US Central Command, two US Navy pilots ejected safely after their fighter jet was shot down over theRead More
MSNBC, CNN Suffer HUMILIATING Ratings Losses As Liberals ABANDON News Coverage: Poll
Robby Soave and Niall Stanage react to a new survey that reveals most Americans want to limit their media consumption.Read More
‘Insanity’: CNN slammed for blaming declining ratings on soft Trump coverage
The Brad vs Everyone podcast host Brad Polumbo slams CNN after the network blamed its declining ratings on not beingRead More
The Best New CNN Meltdown Moments Of 2024 Getting Mad At Donald Trump
President-elect Donald Trump’s resounding victory on Tuesday led to widespread panic among media anchors and pundits, with many breaking downRead More
Ces pêcheurs et leur chien ont survécu par miracle à une forte tornade sur leur bateau
ÉTATS-UNIS – Épargnés par le monstre. Ce dimanche 28 décembre, c’est accompagné de son ami Tony et de son chienRead More
Sophie Primas, porte-parole du gouvernement Bayrou, assume ses tweets moqueurs sur son nouveau chef
Avant d’intégrer le gouvernement de François Bayrou, Sophie Primas se montrait très moqueuse du président du MoDem. POLITIQUE – FaireRead More
La FNAC des Champs-Élysées reporte son destockage, débordée par la cohue
Une matinée pour rien. Ils étaient plusieurs centaines, vendredi 3 janvier, à vouloir profiter de la liquidation des stocks de laRead More
Giacomo Gabellini: "Senza un accordo politico con la Russia l'Europa rischia il disastro"
Giacomo Gabellini invita gli europei ad un bagno di realtà. “La guerra in Ucraina è persa. Bisogna prenderne atto…” COMERead More