What new thing (or things) have you been learning recently?
This week, I have been exploring the Art of Learning…
On ABC Radio Melbourne Afternoons with Jacinta Parsons, we looked at how learning new skills – at any age – expands our outlook and keeps our brains healthy and ticking along. One caller has taken up Tap Dancing at the age of 65 – inspirational!
And this morning on ABC TV News Breakfast, I joined Michael Rowland and Lisa Millar to chat about the news item: “Old school skills for new teachers” which explored what additional skills would help new starters feel more “classroom ready” – for example, learning how to manage classroom behaviour.
Which led us to talking about T Shaped Workers (Having technical expertise is the vertical – the horizontal part of the T are the broader skills like communication skills, empathy etc) – and the rise of Micro-Credentials!
For more on T Shaped Workers, you can listen to ABC’s This Working Life here: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/this-working-life/the-t-shaped-worker-power-of-generalists/102091242
Recently, I have been learning Watercolour – and Bass Guitar! What about you?
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