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Trump Stupidity Syndrome (TSS) has become an American health crisis, and while it seems to be on the decline numerically speaking, those who continue to suffer from it (meaning those people who DON”T have it but come in contact with those who do) know the anguish and trauma it can cause. Although there is a cure (that cure is education and enlightenment) unfortunately, for those with long-duration cases, TSS causes the brain to become either very much like a block of dense concrete or like a bowl of Jello pudding, impermeable to new ideas or rational thought, or unstable and squishy. Some have suggested harnessing the power of those with TSS by placing them in giant hamster wheels connected to generators, with a hologram of Trump projected just ahead of them to which they might endlessly run. While this may help make America Great Again by ensuring energy independence, some have complained that it would be insulting to hamsters by equating their intelligence with that of Trumpers.
Mangy’s lyrics are found below:

If you’re so misogynistic
that a rapist is your candidate of choice
and you’re all for banning health care
in which women are allowed to have a voice,
don’t be sitting there so smug,
assured that Jesus is most likely on your side
while you campaign for a guy
who will ensure that straight toward fascism we slide.

If you’re in such deep denial
that a line of guilty verdicts won’t sway you
don’t be talking “law and order”
which, it’s clear, is not a topic you’ve thought through.
It is clear you are no patriot,
but stupidly, you’re quite convinced you are.
You would be a whole lot smarter
with less Newsmax and a lot more NPR.
copyright 2023, Bruce W Nelson

The Pulse of Washington D.C.

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