I received 4QD ABC Capricornia in Tacloban City, Philippines on May 27, 2024 09:43 PM
after a semi local AM radio station DYDM Maasin off aired the airwaves 3 hours ago.
The reception was weak to strong signal with a major fading signal reception.
MW AM DXing or DX reception report
Station: 4QD ABC Capricornia
Frequency: 1548 KHz
Transmitter Power: 50,000 watts or 50 KW
Transmitter Location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/23%C2%B027’34.0%22S+148%C2%B008’57.0%22E/@-23.459444,148.149167,15z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d-23.459444!4d148.149167?hl=en
Received Location: Barangay 92 Apitong, Tacloban City, Philippines
Received Distance: 4,605 KM (Based on a Google Maps measurements)
Receiver: Pensonic Microplay AM/FM Bluetooth Speaker Receiver (Modified)
MW AM Antenna: 7 3/4 Inches Ferrite Rod Antenna (Modified)
From 00;00 to 02;45
(09;43 PM to 09;45 PM)(PST (UTC +8))
(11;43 PM to 11;41 PM)(Emerald, Australia, AEST Time (UTC +10))
00:00 Nightlife with Philip Clark on ABC Radio
00:08 Australian Sport Game Promo
00:57 Continuation of an Australian Program
From 02;45 to 04;01
(09;57 PM to 09;58 PM)(PST (UTC +8))
(11;57 PM to 11;59 PM)(Emerald, Australia, AEST Time (UTC +10))
02:45 Continuation of an Australian Program
03:15 Nightlife with Philip Clark on ABC Radio
03:21 Continuation of an Australian Program
From 04;01 to 06;24
(09;59 PM to 10;01 PM)(PST (UTC +8))
(11;59 PM to 12;01 AM)(Emerald, Australia, AEST Time (UTC +10))
04:01 ABC News with David Rollins